Travel Advice: Cultural Immersion

“Every country has a facade. It is the country we see on postcards, on tourist websites, on organized tours. I love that facade-the major sites. But what I really want to find is the authentic culture of a place-where the locals are. I want to find the canal in Venice with old men singing at midnight, the cook in the bar outside Sevilla that apologizes and says he can only serve Spanish tortilla if you can wait while he prepares it, and the Alpine lodge where they welcome you and feed you like family.”

This travel advice is primarily directed to students participating in Bailly’s FIU Honors College France, Italy, and Spain study abroad programs. It is intended to help twenty-somethings explore, seek adventure, and truly immerse themselves in a culture. The goals are to travel affordably, travel safely, and to live like a local. Always remember,  however, that what works for some may not necessarily work for you. Ultimately, your decisions are your decisions.

Isabella Marie Garcia

AUTHOR(S) AND LAST UPDATE Stephanie SepĂșlveda &John William Bailly  09 February 2019

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